This program was designed by SGVAA to keep stray, unweaned kittens from euthanasia by having people care for (foster) the kittens or momma cat with her litter, until they are 8 weeks of age.
In Southern California ‘kitten season’ runs from Spring and into Fall - during this time, rescues & shelters are often at capacity. Fostering saves lives by keeping kittens off the streets and out of facilities that are likely to put them to sleep simply due to lack of space.
We will provide a free ‘kit’ to look after the kittens until they reach 8 weeks old, after which time they may be more easily accepted into a rescue or shelter.
Supplies include: milk formula, bottle, blanket, cardboard carrier, litter etc.
Please submit an enquiry or visit the Wellness Clinic (during operating hours) for a Wait Till 8 Kit.
Contact information will be taken for supply replenishment and follow up. Supplies subject to availability.